
  • If you lock yourself out of the range, please get in touch with one of the officers mentioned below.
  • For membership information, please contact the Vice President and check the calendar for new member orientation.
  • For Linwood range repairs or to check out a gun, please contact the Linwood Executive Officer.
  • For Munger range repairs or requests, please contact the Munger Executive Officer.
  • For all other concerns or requests, please contact the President.

Club Officers

PresidentTed Beauchamptbmi24@gmail.com989-385-4941
Vice PresidentDan BeebeVP.LBSC@gmail.com989-529-2561
SecretaryMarilyn Garrisonawgarrison@yahoo.com989-859-5053
TreasurerDJ BeebeDjbb98@gmail.com989-225-0584
Linwood Exec. OfficerLloyd Brickerlloydb76@hotmail.com989-402-7059
Munger Exec. OfficerMike Rytlewski989-450-1579

Board of Directors

Cy BrefkaNo Email989-697-7003
Jeff Singleyjeffsgunsgearllc@gmail.com989-390-8187
Mark Haynes mhaynes78@ymail.com989-714-8107

Activity Coordinators

Big Bore Rifle Kyle Matzellekyle.matzelle@gmail.com989-307-2246
Bullseye Pistol George
Hunter’s SafetyCy Brefka989-697-7003
IDPATed Beauchamptbmi24@gmail.com989-385-4941
TrapMark Haynesmhaynes78@ymail.com989-714-8107

Media Contacts

NewsletterRon Rabinerlrabine@voyager.net586-246-7509
Web SiteDave Wallace

Rental & Event Scheduling

If you have questions or would like to inquire about reserving a date for an event, contact Ted Beauchamp.

Renewal forms will be mailed out in December and must be returned with payment before February 1st.

Renewal forms will be mailed out in December and must be returned with payment before February 1st.